Sunday, April 3, 2011

Brilliant IKEA

IKEA is known in the advertising world for being innovative and at times a little risque.  This makes them both memorable and rather entertaining.  They have somewhat recently done a promotion that I find to be brilliant!

For a new store opening in Toronto, IKEA decided to set up a living room full of their furniture at a local train station.  The furniture then had notes attached to each piece that read: 

"Steal me. What better way to make a friend than to say, 'Excuse me, want to help me steal this sofa?' The two of  you will then be able to look back at this day and say, 'Hey, remember that time we stole that sofa?' And you'll laugh.  Of course, you and your new friend could always just go to IKEA and buy a Klippan sofa, seeing as they are only $250."

At first there were many skeptical people, but eventually someone took the bait, and after one person moved the rest of the furniture was taken very quickly.  And the whole thing was filmed and placed on the web.  IKEA repeated this event in  another city as well.  Before long the local news picked up on the story and gave IKEA a lot of free publicity.

Like the furniture gig, IKEA has done a lot of interactive advertisements that involve setting up their furniture throughout a city.  Here is a link to some of their most clever advertising that you should really check out:

Park bench:

Sample of IKEA drawers on apartment building:

Train in Japan decorated with IKEA furniture for seating:

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