Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ad Facial Recognition: The Next Frontier

Recently, Immersive Labs located in New York City developed the technology for billboards or in-store displays to use facial recognition to identify age and gender.  They also will take into account the location, weather, and other surrounding cues and based on all the information gathered it will present an ad that may appeal to that person.  They can also detect if the person is directly looking at the ad or if their attention is elsewhere.

While some might find this slightly creepy, it does not violate any privacy laws as it claims that the devices do not actually store the pictures taken.  Personally, I find this advancement really cool and it will pave the way to personalized ads and help companies more easily reach their target markets.

Check out the video below for more information on this new development.

Now I'm just throwing this out there, but recently I was discussing this new idea of mine with some friends. I think that someone should develop a cell phone that is essentially free, however the catch is that it will receive ads that will either be based on location or other factors. This way the phone is paid for by the people wanting to place their ads and not by the user. For this to be successful though, obviously enough people would need to want the phone in order for it to be worth the advertising investments.  Like I said...just throwing it out there!

To see the full article on the facial recognition ads visit: Facial Recognition

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